The Flicker and the Flame

The Flicker and the flame
It can’t always be the same.
A soft spoken scream
But all were immersed in the hot dream.

Thick air, panic
One more verse.
Soul mechanic.
Finally a Cool air burst.

A battle that started so long ago
The Victor emerges without striking a single blow.
We see hope in the eyes of children
Wisdom in the wrinkles of old men.

His tales of how he counted coup on a devil
Recounting the journey, oh he did revel!
Now he carries a well deserved pride
And we were honored to sit at his side

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About the Author

Levi Harmon lives in Osage county with wife and daughter. Involved in activism, traditional native ceremony and spirituality. Currently a student at OSU Tulsa in the Center for Poets and Writers. Builder and writers. Builder laureate for artist venue "Ok#1", funded by the Tulsa Artists Fellowship.

Levi Harmon
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