Chihuly in the Forest

Crystal Bridges Museum, November, 2017

Goblets for water and wine, the odd stein, a bottle,
glass plate, vial,  cruet, baronial pitcher,
crucible, computer screen, all silicate,
and yet it must be the light among the needles
or how the lip wrap fires the rim, the radiant
trailing that enriches the belly of a vessel,
the tinctures that go beyond the oven's blaze,
to shatter the confines of desire for decanters
and eye wear and tabletops, into shards of fierce
imagining, into "Neodymium Reeds…,” those amethyst
swords among the bird’s foot violets, the "Fiori Boat,”
crowded to overflowing with glass-blown spheres,
dreams that decorate this lake and manifest how form and hue
can morph the common woods to fiery luminescence.

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About the Author

Wendy Taylor Carlisle lives in the Arkansas Ozarks. She is the author of four books, including, The Mercy of Traffic, winner of the Phillip H. McMath 2020 Post-Publication Award and five chapbooks. Her work appears in Atlanta Review, Mom Egg Review, pacificREVIEW and this spring Doubleback Books reprinted her 2008 book, Discount Fireworks as a free download.